Senin, 08 Desember 2008


Bangun Sugito or popular by name of Gito Rollies, born in Biak, Papua, 1th November 1947. He is known as rocker, actor, and religion speaker.

While name Rollies which utility taken away from its grup band origin Bandung which have famous at a period 1960 up to 1980 which personal consisted of Uce F. Tekol, Jimmy Manoppo, Benny Likumahuwa and Teungku Zulian Iskandar.

Gito self also have acted in the world of film, included in “KERETA TERAKHIR” film and “JANJI JONI”, later squire reach for the ministrant actor Image Cup of best man.

Name Gito which initially known as rocker, then disappear from circulation of podium of rock Indonesian. Gito and then emerge to become a mission expert, frequent come up with the white clothes and look wiser.

Since 2005, he start the against cancer lymph gland suffered. When his healthy descend Gito have to be must going to Singapura to conduct the teraphy. Even several times experience of comma.
Singer of "Kemarau" song, "Astuti" and "Burung Pipit" that finally blowing last breath at "Pondok Indah Housepital", South Jakarta at 28th Februari 2008, after accepting treatment one day previously. Husband from Michelle then die, at 18.45 WIB.

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